Sunday 29 October 2017

Pre-suasion key takeaways.

Privileged moments
Identifiable points in time when an individual is particularly receptive to a communicator's message. Natural human tendency to hunt for confirmation rather than for disconfirmation. Channeled attention is to alter what prominent in that person's mind at the moment of decision. A marketer could greatly increase the chance of finding survey participants by beginning with a opener asking people if they considered themselves helpful.

The importance of attention
The human tendency to assign undue levels of importance to an idea as soon as one's attention is turned to it.

What's focal in attention is presumed casual- to have the ability to make things occur. Car plate numbers in accident lifted expectations of lotteries success.

The attractors 
Features of information that automatically invite attention and therefore does not even require a communicator's special efforts. The naturally occurring commanders of attention. The sexual, the threatening and the different.
The magnetisers 
The benefit of holding the audience focus. The self-relevant, the unfinished and the mysterious.
Language, imagery and places can be used to produce desirable outcomes such as greater job performance, more positive personnel evaluation. Possible to send ourselves in desired directions by locating to physical and psychological environment prefit with cues associated with our relevant goals.

If you wish to prompt an action, should find a concept already assocIated strongly and positively with the action and bring that concept to mind in potential helpers just before requesting their aid.

If/when then plans
Design to help us achieve a goal by readying us (1) to register certain cues in settings where we can further our goal, (2)to take an appropriate action spurred by the cues and consistent with the goal. What is more accessible in mind become more probable in action and this accessibility is influenced by the informational cue around us and by our raw association to them.

The universal principles of influence.
Reciprocation works best when it is meaningful, unexpected and customised.
To get people to like you, similarities and complements are the best routes to that end.
A credible authority possesses the combination of two highly persuasive qualities: expertise and trustworthiness. A communicator who references a weakness early on is immediately seen as more honest. The advantage of this sequence is that, with perceived truthfulness already in place, the audience is more likely to believe 

A certain type of unity of identity, that best characterises a WE relationship and that, if pre-suasively raised to consciousness, leads to assent.
WE relationships can result from acting together synchronously, this produces mutual liking and support.

Use words of endearment like family. Buffet uses " with that I will tell you what I would say to my family today if they asked me about Berkshire today" to gain trust.

Music is allied with system 1 responding, people acting imprudently when channeled to that kind of responding. Recipients with non rational goals should be matched with messages containing non rational elements such as music accompaniment. Those with rational, pragmatic goals should be matched with messages containing facts.

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